Baofeng UV-5R

Q & A

Q1: Radio have SCR ?
A1: NO, UV-5R do not have SCR function
Q2: UV-5R have repeater shift / repeater offset ?
A2: NO repeater function, but have offest function
Q3: UV-5R can set alfa name in channel ?
A3: it can but need to set it by software
Q4: The PTT Earpiece of uv-5r not working?
A4: You can try to press the earpiece more closer to the radio, if it is still not working, please contact us again and we will send the replacement to you
Q5: Prog. Cable for UV-5R / UV-5RE / UV-5RU?
A5:  USB Prog. Cable:

Com Port Prog. Cable: Coming soon!

Q6: How to check the firmware version of radio ?
A6:  press  # + 3 and power on at the same time
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